If you have tickets, come by, if you don't have tickets, still come by!

    Wednesday May 15th 4-9pm

    We will stay open until 9:00!

    Pop in while you are Hopping or after your Bellies are full for a "Bite" of shopping!

    Taste a variety of delectable dishes while exploring the charming streets of Downtown Wallingford. LIMITED TICKETS AVAILABLE!!

    *Remember there is AMPLE PARKING behind Center Street Brewery off Wallace Avenue that gives you perfect access to Uptown & Downtown Wallingford AND Us!!

    Purchase Tickets Here Tickets to The Hop

    or stop by these businesses for tickets:

    (during their business hours)

    -Harriman Real Estate LLC

    -Wallingford Center

    -Calcagni Real Estate

    -Salon Nathanial


    Thursday May 16th 7:00pm - 9pm with Andrea Rogers

    Join in sacred circle to connect to the authentic and wild voice of your inner wise woman.

    Women’s Circles are an ancient tradition where women gather and create a sacred space to share sisterhood and empower one another. This is an opportunity to use your voice and heal through connection with other women.

    Join in:

    ✺ Sacred ritual

    ✺ Intention setting

    ✺ Seasonal & Cyclical living

    ✺ Sharing Women's Circle

    ✺ Surrender, Receive & Action Planning

    ✺ Oracle Cards

    ✺ Breathwork for shifting energy & Manifestation

    ✺ Nourishing food & beverage

    Please bring a journal & anything you may need to create a cozy, sacred space

    Tickets are $44 & space is limited.

    Upcoming dates: April 18th, May 16th, June 20th

    Where: Hallowed Grownd inside Hidden Gem on Main in Wallingford, CT


    MAY 18th 11am - 6pm

    with Gogo Indawo yamaThuna Mathambo - an initiated Sangoma traditional healer in the ubuNgoma tradition of South Africa.

    Bone divination is a conversation with your ancestors and spirit guides You receive messages, guidance, and information about your life, purpose, healing, and the issues that are currently most influential in your life.Gogo Indawo will be offering 30 minute private divination sessions for $75. As a divination clinic the cost is discounted (regular private divination sessions are 45-60 minutes for $200)

    You can schedule 2 back to back time slots at this cost if you would like an hour long session.To pre-book your appointment text Gogo at (860) 626-3697 or email at thokozagogo@gogoindawo.com

    Walk-in's accepted if time allows.

    More Details on Facebook 

    Sunday May 19th at 9am (weather permitting)

    Earth Church is for those who don't find God inside four walls, but connect to the divine through Nature.

    Earth Church is a gathering is for those who like to wander with wonder through the woods. A hiking group without a destination, that cultivates presence, mindfulness & community.

    The intention is to cultivate presence & mindfulness in the woods...hug trees, pet moss, and just notice all the cool and interesting things that fill the forest...Generally the hikes aren't too strenuous - it's never about running to the top of the mountain as fast as you can...its definitely at a leisurely pace and it's more about presence than exercise. 

    One Sunday per month 9am-11am (weather permitting)

    Upcoming dates: May 19th, June 9th & July 21st. 

    If you like to pet moss, hug trees & talk to plants, I'd love for you to join us!

    Reach out to julie@biolumenessence.com or text 203-514-8787  for location details. We go to a different spot every week. There is a private Facebook group you'll be invited to where location information is posted weekly.

    Contact Julie@BiolumenEssence.com or text 203.514.8787 for location details 


    Learn how to read Oracle Cards for yourself and others.
    Oracle Cards are fun and a great Divination tool. Using oracle cards is like getting advice from a close friend.
    *Learn the basics of oracle card reading.
    *Learn how to connect with your oracle card deck.
    *Learn how to phrase a question to ask of your deck.
    *Learn how to read the oracle card for yourself or others.
    *Learn what an oracle spread is and couple of different types of spreads.
    *You will be able to do oracle card readings by the end of class.
    *Students are encouraged to bring their own oracle card decks, or arrive early to purchase one at the store before class. I will have some extras decks on hand for people to borrow if needed.
    *Cost is $20.00 per person plus tax ($21.27 total).
    *Prepayment is required via cash, check, Venmo or purchasing tickets through Eventbrite. (Eventbrite charges a fee to use their site).
    *Pre registration is highly recommended and appreciated to reserve your spot by emailing heartwoodhappenings@gmail.com. Once you have pre-registered payment will be expected. Purchasing tickets through Eventbrite automatically registers you for the class.
    *Class led by Kathy Sabo
    *Call or text 475-222-6503 with any questions.


    Thursdays: May 23rd & 30th 5:30 - 7:00pm

    With Brianna Perez & Marisol Auli

    We will start with a guided imagery & music meditation (GIM) followed by an open sharing circle. You will receive community support, healing, transformation, and an overall feeling of safety and acceptance. This circle is for anyone going through a spiritual awakening at this time and looking for a space to connect and share similar experiences. As the world continues to change, having community and a space to gather can help us all navigate the changes!

    Suggested Donation: $10-$20

    Please rsvp text 757-417-9966 or email therootsoflifefoundation@gmail.com


    with Julie Dokas

    Sundays 12-2pm

    May 26th– 2nd Chakra Passion

    June 23rd – 3rd Chakra Vitality

    July 28th – 4th Chakra Courage

    August 25th – 5th Chakra Authenticity

    September 22nd – 6th Chakra Perception

    October 27th– 7th Chakra Wisdom

    All of us want to feel light, expansive & free– in our mind, body & spirit… yet we are often bogged down & constipated with old energies, judgments & beliefs, that we may not even remember where they originated from. Each of our 7 chakras govern specific organs & energies. In this guided journey, we'll be supporting the chakras with BiolumenEssence's Chakra Essences & aromatherapy blends. With these blends, you'll assist your energy body in breaking through the stagnation, patterns, beliefs & fears you’ve been carrying. Clearing out these old energies leaves you more balanced, clear and aligned with your highest purpose & divine destiny.Each event is a stand alone event - committing to the entire series is not required.


    Saturday May 25th 9-4pm

    This workshop in core shamanism is designed for those who are new to shamanism or are eager to learn how to journey for themselves. No previous experience is required. Throughout this workshop, you will explore various shamanic principles and practices in developing your shamanic vision. You will begin by visiting different worlds within non-ordinary reality and experience various journeying techniques with the intention of meeting a power animal and other helping spirits. You will learn how the shamanic journey can be an effective tool for self-healing and greater self-empowerment. Topics of study also include setting sacred space, the sacred directions, shapeshifting, and omen hunting.This workshop requires you to be actively engaged in doing your own healing work. This will be an experiential opportunity to dive immediately into healing yourself using the journey experience. This workshop uses the shamanic journey process, and the intention of this workshop is for you to learn basic shamanic journeying.

    No experience is required, this is for beginners. Basic shamanic journey teaches you to ground and gives you a container within which to do this work safely. It also gives you a foundation as to the nature of the soul's ability to travel between the worlds and what those worlds are. In addition, the benefits of learning to shamanic journeying, it teaches you how to safely access happy and healthy spirit guides and helpers. This is an introductory workshop.

    Facilitated by: Christine McNally, OIM, RMT, Shamanic Practitioner trained in the Celtic lineage.

    Cost: $150 per person

    (Space limited to 8 participants max, adults only (18+).

    Pre-registration Required.To register, please email Christine: chrissyd877@gmail.com


    June 1st 11am -1pm

    with Katie Kozlowski

    Have you ever felt like even though you’re doing everything right your manifesting practices aren’t quite working?Experience the power of Embodied Manifesting and learn how to begin creating the life of your dreams in a whole new way with master energy & embodiment coach Katie Kozlowski!This creative and playful workshop will show you exactly what you need to be focusing on every single day to begin calling in the exact desires and dreams you know you deserve. And you’ll learn a step by step process that you can practice on your own that makes manifesting your goals simple.Based on Katie’s signature method Shaktibomb, you’ll discover the missing step that’s been keeping you stuck. And you’ll leave feeling inspired and excited about what’s going to happen next in your life.Each participant will have the chance to ask personal questions about their unique dreams, desires and goals. And there will be time to also heal and clear any blocks standing in their way!This workshop is one you don’t want to miss and you’ll have fun planting seeds for the life of your dreams.

    Cost $50

    Questions? Email Katie:katie@katiekozlowski.com


    June 2nd, July 7th 10:30am -12pm

    This small group circle will give participants who already learned the shamanic journey continual practice of exploring the non-ordinary realities to deepen and strengthen their shamanic journey practice for their own inner healing work. Participants will continue their learning of the shamanic journey through monthly practice in the tradition of core shamanic journeying, using a safe and ethical method of steady drumming that helps your mind shift into a more meditative state. Participants will be invited to journey to compassionate helping spirits for wisdom, guidance and shamanic healing that is connected with each month’s theme/intention, and then have an opportunity to share with the group about what they have experienced. Everyone is welcome who is already familiar with the shamanic journeying practice. This small group is all about the continual practice of using the shamanic journey and gaining personal insights with others who do the practice. If you have not yet learned how to shamanic journey, please reach out to Christine McNally, chrissyd877@gmail.com, to find out scheduled dates of her Introduction to the Shamanic Journey workshop.

    Facilitated by: Christine McNally, OIM, RMT, Shamanic Practitioner trained in the Celtic lineage & Core Shamanism.

    Current Circle Dates & Exploring Themes:
    Sunday, March 3rd: Theme: Healing/Turning Pain into connection
    Sunday, April 7th: Theme: Commitment/Being loyal to oneself
    Sunday, May 5th - Theme: Becoming/Discover what’s within to be born
    Sunday, June 2nd: Theme: Story/Living by narratives your write
    Sunday, July 7th: Theme: Play/Returning to joy

    SUNDAYS 10:30-12pm

    COST: $20/per person (payable via Cash or Venmo at time of class)

    Register: https://forms.gle/kUfEGZ9KxznGpomY8


    June 7th 6:30-8:30pm (SOLD OUT)

    with Tracy Ann, Psychic Medium

    Join us for an exciting evening of spiritual connections and insights with Tracy Ann, psychic medium. Tracy Ann will provide validating details of your loved ones in spirit and communicate their messages to you. The loss of her son to cancer in 2014 was the catalyst to put her on the path to read professionally for others. Don't miss this unique opportunity to share messages from spirit in an intimate setting and experience the magic for yourself!

    Tracy Ann will provide validating details of your loved ones in spirit and communicate their messages to you. It was through the loss of her 29-year-old son to cancer that she gained the confidence to trust her lifelong intuitive ability and help others who also grieve. Don't miss this unique opportunity to share messages from spirit in an intimate setting and experience the magic for yourself! Driving close to the entrance for drop-off is permitted for anyone with mobility issues. There is ample parking behind Archie Moores Restaurant.

    For any questions, call Chris at Hidden Gem on Main at (203) 626-9881 or Tracy Ann, Psychic Medium at (860) 218-5040. Limit 10 people and you are guaranteed a reading! Reserve your spot now! $60.


    Saturday June 8th 11am-1pm

    There are many ways to read the Tarot. Come join us for a class that will explore why Tarot works, how it can be customized to your own style of reading, and 3 simple spreads to elicit powerful readings.

    Join Mark Iwanicki in an informative and enjoyable Intro to Tarot Class. Mark is an accomplished Tarot reader and teacher.If you've wanted to learn to read Tarot or hone your skills, Mark's class is great way to start!

    *Bring your own deck or purchase one in the store.

    This is about a 2 hour class.Text or Call Mark to enroll: (617) 230-1765or send a message to @Iwanickimedia

    Cost $25 If you are repeating the class, it's just $10.

    To reserve your spot, call/text Mark at (617) 230-1765

    More details 

    Monday June 10th 6pm-9pm

    with Sylvia Crowley

    Cost $45

    Join the very popular and talented Sylvia Crowley of Sylvia Grace Creations for a night of painting, refreshments & fun!

    Sylva is designing a magical custom piece that is still in the works! Once it is finished we will post what you will be painting!

    We are VERY excited to see what Sylvia comes up with and looking forward to hosting this fun event in our shop!

    Link to tickets/pre-registration will be posted soon.



    Friday 6/14 6:30pm-8:30pm $35

    with Irene from Eneri Insights

    Have you been curious about pendulums and what they are used for? Come join Irene for a fun evening of making your own pendulum and learning how to use it. From programming your pendulum, getting the answers to Yes/No questions, to checking chakra status. All supplies are provided. Just bring yourself and be ready to have fun.

    Text 203-343-1601 to reserve a space.

    Visit Facebook Event 

    Saturday June 15th 2pm -3:30pm

    with Katie Kozlowski

    Experience the power of somatic/embodied healing in a nurturing safe space with master energy & embodiment coach Katie Kozlowski as you learn how to reconnect with your body, uncover your  patterns, release stuck emotions and embody your truth. This simple yet profound experience will guide you deeper into yourself as you learn basic tools that support you in feeling more connected and safe so you can gently uncover the hidden pockets of trauma that you’ve been holding onto allowing you to release it in a gentle, powerful way. And it will also provide you with the next steps you need to continue healing and growing once you become free.

    Designed to be both healing and transformational, this sacred journey is here to support you in taking the next steps you want on your healing path as you recover and transform your outdated beliefs and trauma, and will empower you to take action in personal and practical ways.

    Cost: $45


    Friday June 21st 6:30-8:30pm

    with Anne Vivian

    Join Anne Vivian for a unique, uplifting, and multidimensional experience! Not your traditional gallery reading, Anne will channel healing messages and frequencies from Angels, Guides, Ascended Masters, Planetary Consciousness, and Star Beings. $35 preregistration by 6/20, $40 on 6/21 and at the door.

    Purchase tickets here

    If you have any problems with the link to purchase tickets you can contact Anne: creativepsychestudio@gmail.com or

    call Hidden Gem On Main: 203-626-9881

    Interested in learning more about Anne Vivian?

    Go to her website:

    Creative Psyche Studio


    Saturday July 27th 11am-1pm at New Spring Farm, Peru, VT.

    Experience the alchemy of the elements in this collaborative Breathwork/Flower Essence Journey series co-hosted by Julie Dokas and Gardner Orton. Inspired & guided by the wisdom of the elements, we'll Ground, Flow, Breathe and Ignite through the seasons in the Sacred Sanctuary at New Spring Farm in Peru, Vermont.

    Using Conscious Connected Breathing, we’ll activate our vital life-force energy, raising our vibration so that higher codes of consciousness & presence can be easily accessed. In this expanded state, we’ll tap into the wisdom of Nature as we journey with the support of Flower Essences & essential oils, chosen to guide us into a deep and meaningful connection to Mother Earth & ourselves.

    DATE: SATURDAY July 27th 11am-1pm




    COST: $40


    GROUND: Earth Element – October 14th 

    FLOW: Water Element – February 10th

    BREATHE – Air Element – April 13th

    IGNITE – Fire Element – July 27th

    Reach out to julie@biolumenessence.com or text 203-514-8787 with any questions. 

    Register Here